Friday, November 5, 2010

Joel Tan Boon Chai, 3N7 :]

  Regarding to: How has your impression of South Korea changed in the last few days?

South Korea is a very green country.They help to save the Earth by having recycling bins in their country. They even have various types of bins in a fastfood restaurant like Macdonald's. I was amazed by their effort in saving the Earth. It makes sure that the public recycle plastic,paper or even waste food before leaving. In airports, shopping malls or even schools, they installed auto- escalator. It works only when it's sensor feels objects passing by.This could help to save energy in the long run. South Korea is also a very developed country in terms of their economy and environment.

  Regarding to:In my own opinion, what is the two similarities & two differences between Singapore & South Korea.

 The two similarities in my opinion was:
1) Singapore and South Korea have put in effort in saving the Earth by having recycling bins in the public.
2) South Koreans and Singaporeans likes to go for shopping. Our learning trip to South Korea also brought us to many hot-spots where most people like to go for shopping.
Two differences:
1)Singapore does not really experience any nataural disasters but Korea does. Disasters like earthquakes occurs in Korea.
2)South Korea have differnet types of table manners. South Koreans must only hold one utensils while eating. Singaporeans doesn't really care about all these particular manners.

 Regarding to :The most memorable experiences while i was South Korea.  
The first incident was when we was able to go to Pocheol High school to exchange our culture and understand each other's country better. We were all assigned to a Korean student. Although we stayed in that school for less than 2 hours, i really enjoyed being with this particular friend that i just made. We even exchanged E-mails to remain in contact. 
The second incident was having fun with all my Singaporean friends who went to South Korea with me. We have fun together. I think this has really strengthened our friendships. I hope that we would always remember this trip. :]    
Last but not the least, the third memorable experiences in South Korea. 
The food that we ate was seriously delicious. Our last meal in Seoul before we came back to Singapore. It was the Barbeque Porkeeeeeeeee. Haha. I also miss our tour guide, Mr Bill Lee. All the best to him :]  I have not regretted going to this Korea trip. Also, thanks to all the teachers who made this trip a delightful trip for all of us.

Regarding to:Three things i've learnt about myself and my life as a student.
I've learnt to be appreciative of how Singapore school system work. We can actually go home early right after school but for these Pocheol High School students, they would stay back frequently for self studying. We should not be complaining much :]

Secondly,I've learnt to appreciate the people around me. I was missing them when i was in Korea. I would call them up and ask upon them when i was in Korea.

Lastly, i learnt that we should not be afraid of knowing more friends. We should be initiative to make friends with one another. With more friends, we can actually also enjoy ourself. One good example to say about was me, i was so quiet before going to this trip. But after prolonged communication with friends around me, i start to be more open.

Finally, i would wish everybody all the best in the future and would remember the fun we had during these 7 days trip :]

Signing off,
Joel Tan Boon Chai :]


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