Monday, October 18, 2010

South Korea Economy - Nobody

South Korea owes its reputation as one of the four Asian Tigers through its chaebols. Their chaebols included Samsung, POSCO, etc. For example, Samsung started as a sugar refinery that was destroyed during the WW2. They then began their electronic business in 1960s. The important industries are steel, energy, telecommunication, etc. It also occupies 20% of the country GNP. Samsung believes that it must be completely localised in the country before it can be successful. Another example is the POSCO. POSCO is a steel industry that found its way into the everyday lives of the Korean. 

It is also known that Japan was the origin of many of these ideas in Korean, even though they had a bad relationship.

On the other hand, Singapore, like Korea and Japan is also one of the four Asian Tigers. We owe our success to the abundance of cheap labour and our education reform.

Tricia, Steffi, Geraldine, Brandon, Thaddeus, Amzar.

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