Monday, October 18, 2010

Korea Economy - How did it get there?

Hey there! :)

We are the Chaempions! :D To sum up what we have learnt, it really impressed and surprised us when we found out that Korean Economy was influenced by Japan although it bore insults and resentments against Japan in World War II. Moreover, the 2 Korean Wave has been the longest in history. The most impressive  thing is that Korea did not only manage to influence the country around her.But it also influence countries faraway like USA.WIth such an efficient and developed economy, we sincerely believe that the world will classify it as a world class economy that can easily influence other countries to adopt the same way of running the country's economy.This will surely increase marketing competitiveness in other countries and thus,massively improve the future of the world.It is also interesting to note that Samsung, a Korean company managed to acquire a Western company know as Fairchild.This is impressive as it is almost unheard of that an eastern company acquiring western company.

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