Saturday, October 30, 2010

How does Korea use sports for nation building?

For this essay, nation building is defined  as the national bonding of the Korean. One way Korea has portrayed national bonding is through sports. For example,  sports can be classified as team events such as Soccer, Baseball and individual event such as Taekwando. Soccer and Baseball are played at an international level against countries like America and Japan. Usually team events are the ones that will bond the people together.
National bonding can be seen from different aspects. For example, the government can help strengthen the bonds of the people through encouraging them to support their local sportsmen or team. One example is that the government would give them a day-off for them to show their support towards the teams. The government also put aside some funds to build sports museums so as to acknowledge the sportmen’s achievements. Moreover, the presence of government officials supporting the teams would turn up to support the important and crucial games or matches so as to boost the team’s morale.
National bonding can also be seen from the people. For example, when the Korea soccer team was playing their matches with the opponent, the Korea people would support the team by buying merchedise  as a sign to support them. The fans of the soccer team would also wear the same colour t-shirts to show their support for the team. The Koreans believe that they have the same blood, so they regard themselves as one big family. Some restaturants give discounts for their food, so as to encourage the customers to come to their to restaturants to eat and to support their favourite team.
Lastly, national bonding can also be seen from the individuals. (players/sportsman). As individuals, one would feel very proud playing for their country. Moreover, they are playing against strong teams such as the Americans and Japanese. The presence of government officials also boost their morale as it was mentioned before. Since their morale were boost, hence it would increase their level of perseverance and thus believed they can do it. They are playing for the “FAMILY” and therefore they will try their best to win every game.  
In conclusion, we think that Korea is a country that allows sports to bond them together. This is because we can see them supporting each other through sports like Baseball, Soccer. We think that Singapore can improve themselves by a few methods . One of the method is through spreading of sports events from one person to another then eventually to the whole country. Another method is through sports campigns is breify about having locals able to try out different sports that Singapore participate in. This would enable Singaporeans to know national players would feel when they are representing the country.

The end (:
Group : 3
Group members :
Steffi , Thaddeus, Brandon, Amzar, Geraldine, Tricia

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