Friday, November 5, 2010

Reflections on my South Korea Experiential Learning

1.      How has your impression of South Korea changed in the last few days?

Looking back, my impression of South Korea has definitely changed and evolved a lot and I can say this very confidentially. If I have to provide justifications to this, the reasons will simply be: South Korea has not really been a significant aspect in my life as I am usually not an “outside person” and I am not really into the Korean Wave. Case in point: I prefer listening to Rock and Metal and these music genres usually derives from America and not South Korea. Hence, even if a Korean Pop Song was popular among my peers, I am not greatly affected by it. The same goes for Korean Dramas. As a result, I rarely find out more about Korea. After embarking on this trip, I am even keener to find out more about South Korea’s rich and interesting cultures and traditionals. I was greatly impressed about the explanations given by the Tour Guide and the videos shown at Odusan Unification Observatory with regards to tense relationship between North Korea and South Korea. They went beyond the scope of our textbooks. We are also given the opportunity to see it for ourselves how North Korea was badly affected by Communism. I never realized how badly Communism can actually ruin a country. It’s really a sharp contrast to South Korea as even at North Korea’s shore, there were not even proper housings and roads at sight. Perhaps that’s why they say “we have to see it in order to believe it”. Also, South Korea also has very rich, physical and human, geographical examples such as water features, policies and their economics etc. I am also able to relate and link back to the things that I have learnt in my Social Studies and History Classes and thus, forged better understandings in these subjects. Also, I think that there’s also a lesson that can be learnt from this trip. This is not to judge anything superficially. To many people, the only thing that is rich in South Korea are K-Pop and Korean Dramas. However, in actual fact, there are even richer things such as her History.
2.      In your opinion, what are 2 similarities and 2 differences between Singapore and South Korea?

Like Singapore, South Korea emphasis much on education. In their country, POSCO High School students need to memorize several pages of facts for their tests and examinations. Also, like Singapore, only few selected and qualified students can enter the Universities. This goes in line with how Singapore ensures the best out of the best among her general population. Also it is slightly comparable to Singapore’s Policy of Meritocracy where everyone is given an equal chance to succeed in life because of one’s effort and not because of other factors like wealth. Besides that, South Korea’s Government is also very anticipative about the future like Singapore’s Government. She prepares herself for future problems that may arise such as an aging population by educating the on how they can help their grandparents to improve their lives just like Singapore. For instance, the Daegu Senior Experience Centre is one good example. In this place, the people can experience how old age can restrict one’s movement and affect their daily routine by trying on special contraptions and the display of various improvised and modified household items specially designed for them. They will then understand the importance of addressing their needs and will take the effort to do so before it’s too late. Despites the similarities, there are also differences. Firstly, South Korea seems to put in more effort to educate the people on safety, life saving and prepare them for various crises such as natural disasters and terrorist attacks. A Safety Theme Park was even constructed purely for those purposes. This special facility allows the general population to have hands on experiences on fire fighting and C.P.R. as well as very realistic simulations for disaster managements like earthquakes and bombing in trains. I think that the Singapore Civil Defence Force should also try to adopt what South Korea is doing as it will better prepare Singaporeans for such circumstances as it’s better to be safe than sorry. Another difference is in terms of the amount of large and heavy industries that South Korea has like POSCO Industrial. POSCO Industrial is the 2nd largest steel making company in the world. We went there to learn about steel manufacturing and her history and even had to take a bus for a tour around the whole place because it is so large!

3.      List and explain three of your most memorable experiences.

I have many memorable experiences throughout this whole trip but I will shortlist three for this case. The first memorable experience is the visit to POSCO High School. POSCO High School is one of the best schools in South Korea. The students there are generally very friendly and can easily break the ice that exists between us initially. For instance, my buddy immediately welcomed me with a warming smile. Also, despite him not being able to communicate well in English, he is determined to spend time and effort to phrase his questions about Singapore. I really admire his admirable quality. The school itself was very big and has many facilities that most Singapore schools lack. It is indeed an honor to be walking in such a school to learn about South Korea’s education system and how the students feel about it and their school. Also, another highlight is the POSCO Industrial visit. I am able to witness firsthand the process of steel manufacturing. The red hot “steel” that we normally see in our textbook is indeed very hot even from a great distance. This is especially so when it passes you on the rollers below the walking platform. I doubt that not everyone will be able to visit such processes so up close and personal. I am really grateful that I am given the opportunity to do so. Lastly, the experience of a lifetime that really takes the cake is the visit to the World Cup Stadium where the 2002 FIFA World Cup was held. It is truly a once in a lifetime experience as I doubt that I will ever set foot inside such a location which a special event like this will be held in my life. The stadium was magnificent, much grander then I had ever expected. Despite just being a stadium, visitors are allowed to visit different parts of the stadium such as the Changing Room and Interview Room to learn about the structure and history of this place. In it also contains many items related to the past Soccer Achievements of the country as well as brief descriptions of its history. I have definitely gained a lot from this particular place.

4.      List and explain three things you have learnt about yourself and your life as a student.

Firstly, I had learnt to be more appreciative of the fact that I am a student in Singapore. In South Korea, students studying in POSCO High School are unable to receive the same holistic education that I am receiving now. This is so as the school emphasizes, to a significant degree, on teaching the students Sciences, Mathematics and many other core subjects. Thus, the students are unable to have an all-rounded education. For instance, only some selected students are allowed to take up Club Activities (Equivalent to our Co-Curriculum Activities) like Performing Arts whist others have to focus on studying only. Hence, many have literally no chance to develop in other aspects.

Secondly, I also felt guilty whining about how hectic my school life is after comparing it with that of POSCO High School. The students actually learnt much more than anyone of us. Just to name some of the subjects taken by a certain pupil: English, Korean, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Social Studies and Economics etc. Additionally, he also mentioned that their classes usually ends at night and span over a period of 6 Days from Monday to Saturday. How stressful is that? So, next time when you are about to moan about it, please keep in mind that you are considered, to a certain extent, luckier as compared to them.

On top of that, I also came to know that we can’t always be confined to the four walls of our classroom as there’s always more knowledge that we can gain in the outside world regardless of who you are. It only depends on whether you are willing to put the effort and time to learn them. For example, if a person consistently pays a great deal of attention to his/her studies, how would he/she be able to learn more about what goes on around the rest of the globe? He/She may be knowledgeable but if compared to someone who actually know things that are not printed on textbooks, he/she will definitely lose out for sure due to a limited amount of knowledge.

To wrap it all up, I would like to express my most sincere gratitude to my parents, teachers and peers who had encouraged me to go on this trip. And most importantly, my Group Members: Lim Jun Yang, Choo Xin Yee, Jow Ming Tong, Shiny and Xaverie Sng. It’s actually through this Experiential Learning Trip did I learnt more about South Korea’s rich culture and history. I will never trade these fond memories that I had gained in this once in a lifetime experience for anything else in the world, period.

Pang Shi Jie
Seng Kang Secondary School
3E1 (2010)

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