My impression of South Korea has really changed alot in the last few days I spent in Korea. The country is more colder than I thought. I also thought that South Korea is behind Singapore in terms of technology but I have realised that they are doing much better than Singapore and Korea is also one of the leading countries in the technology area, as they have many well-known companies like Samsung and Lg. Korea is also more cleaner than I thought. They are also making alot of efforts in improving the country. South Korea is really a very well-developed country.
2)In your opinion, what are two similarities and two differences between Singapore and South Korea?
One similarity between Singapore and South Korea is that both countries are environmentally friendly and have recycling bins similar to Singapore.
Another similarity would be that both countries have an ageing population. Singapore and South Korea are also making alot of effort to solve the ageing population problem.
One difference is that South Korea has many natural scenery like mountains. Whereas Singapore does not have such natural scenery.
Another difference is that South Korea's education system is totally different from Singapore. In terms, of the way the learn and school hours.
3) List and explain three of your most memorable experiences.
- One of the memorable experience would be going to the Seoul Tower. This is because I do not think I will be able to visit it again. Its also a very experience. I was able to see the whole of South Korea which was very beautiful. I'm grateful I was able to go there. 
- Another memorable experience would be visiting the POCHEOL high school and interacting with the Korean students.I was able to make new friends because of the visit and I was able to learn more about their lifestyle and what they do. The amount of time they spend in school is so much longer than the time Singapore students spend in school.
- Another memorable experience would be the visit to the Daegu Safety Theme Park. In the theme park I was able to experience some of the natural disasters like, earthquakes. We were also educated on how to react to these disasters and also how to protect ourselves. Which was very useful even though Singapore does not really experience this disasters.
4) List and explain three things you have learnt about yourself and your life as a student.
- I am really grateful to be a student in Singapore as the amount of time we spend in school is lesser than the time Korean students spend in school. Which gives us time to rest and do our homework. As I don't think I will be able to spend so much time in school like the Korean students.
-I am also happy to be in Singapore as I appreciate the food in Singapore. The food in Korea is not really suitable for people like me. I prefer the food in Singapore as there is a wider range of food. I really appreciate the food in Singapore.
-I'm also grateful to live in Singapore has we do not suffer from natural disasters like South Korea. But I'm grateful to have learnt how to protect myself from disasters and should never take Singapore for granted. I am happy to be a Singaporean! :D
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