How has your impression of S.K changed in the last few days?
Initially, i feel that south korea is a very developed country that i will expect to see many high rise, beautiful buildings. But throughout the last few days, after travelling through seoul and daegu, i realised that there are many buildings that were not that nice and that they do not like they were developed. I was also surprised that south korea was still wishing for a reunitment with northkorea as i thought that they did not care about the north korea anymore. I was seriously wrong after seeing the ceremony to pray/wish for the reunitement as soon as possible, and the amount of people that attend is convincing too. In your opinion, provided 2 similarities and differences b/w Sgp and S.K
- singapore school's ways of functioning is very different from singapore. In terms of, what time school ends and the way they have their recess. they end school late at night and even have their own study table which allows them to self-study.
- south korea is really a green city. This can be see from, their fast food restaurant, they catergorzed the rubbish bin. this is especially efficient because the rubbish is able to be collected to recycle more easily. They also create toothpicks that is made up of potato skin, this is really a great idea as they are reusing resources. Most importantly, we do not see this in singapore.
- Both singapore and south korea is similar in the way that both countries is green. just that the ways that they try to be green is different. Both the countries is green as we can see from their effort to be green.
- Both singapore and south korea is similar in the way that both countries is very developed. Both of the countries have high technology.
List and explain three of your most memorable experiences
-Visit to daegu safety theme park.
it was my first time experiencing earthquake and evacuation of the MRT. I find these lessons very interesting because the knowledge that I've gained may be useful in the future. The experiences is very real and everyobdy is very coperative too hence, i really enjoyed myself.
- visit to POSCO high shool.
It was really interesting to visit other school in foreign countries. It is because the way their function is really different from singapore. We can even communicate with one another and its really interesting to know more about other people. They have ways that is really unique in doing things. for example, the girls and boys have to seperated and all the girls must have short hair as that is a school rule. i've made friends that are all good and friendly people in this just short period of time and i'll cherish our friendship.
- insa-dong street, all shopping areas.
Shopping ! (: its really fun to shop outside as the items sold is quite cheap and interesting as the way the sell items is quite different from singapore.
List and explain three things you have learnt about yourself and your life as a student
-i've learnt not to take things for granted after experiencing the real-life disaster drill. Everyone should always update on themselves on how to react in times of such emergency. I've learnt that i'm unable to stay calm during such emergency as i'll get freaked out easily.
- i've learnt that i'm very fortunate the singapore have many different races and that we can make more friends and learn more about other race's religion.
-i've also learnt that we are more fortunate as we are able to decide on what we want to eat during recess, rather than the school decide on what we are eating for the day . And that we do not have to stay in school till late at night and that i treasure where i came from and that the way of life i living.
shirley (:
shirley (:
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