Global citizens can be categorized into mainly three groups, which are the business man, citizens working overseas and students studying overseas. Business men are citizens who are daring enough to venture out of Singapore to other countries and do business without migrating. Thus, they earn money from that country and bring it back to Singapore. One example of the country we can venture out to would be China. They have cheap labour and land space and hence, they spend lesser money on manufacturing of products and yet still are able to produce the same quality. As a result, those daring global citizens would be able to gain more profit to boost the economy of Singapore.
The government has been encouraging Singaporeans to work in other countries so that they could learn new skills and bring them back to Singapore. In addition, they would also bring back the money which they have earned in overseas. This would allow them to spend the money earned within Singapore and hence boost the economy of Singapore.
There are many risks which we could face and manage that are related to global citizens. These risks could be natural disasters and human disasters. Human disasters are caused by mankind. Example of human disasters could be like the clearing of land through burning of the forest as well as terrorisms. Natural disasters are caused by nature. These include earthquakes, floods, typhoon and forest fires.
In Korea, there is a safety theme park in Daegu. The objectives of the safety theme park are to provide an avenue to educate the public about the various disasters that have taken place in Korea as well as measures taken to overcome these disasters and how to react to the disasters. Unlike Korea, there is no specific location in Singapore where we can raise the awareness of disaster management and educate them. Hence, we therefore strongly suggest that Singapore should have a safety theme park as we think that it is important to raise the awareness and to educate the public.
Currently, there are hand-on campaigns in Singapore to teach the public the basic skills of managing disasters with the assistance from Singapore Civil Defence Force. The government is also trying to educate the citizen through advertisement such as posters and and TV advertisement. We could also allocate a day in every two months to raise the awareness of the public on risk management. In addition, companies should also make it compulsory for all the workers to learn skills to manage disasters. One of the examples is to extinguish fire using the fire extinguisher. Singapore is a small country and without all these risk management, Singapore's survival would be threatened.
Business men in overseas would also be able to take precautionary measures against setting up businesses near disasters prone zone. They can also avoid travelling to disasters areas and having the skills and knowledge to react to disasters when being encountered.
In conclusion, it is important for global citizens to understand the importance of risk management. Everybody is responsible for their own life. The consequences would be worsened if everybody doesn't know what to do. Many lives would be lost as everybody would be panicking then.
Done by:
Tan An Qi Shirley
Crystal Chiok Hwee Fong
Joey Yee Yen Yin
Michelle Tan
Santhya Sivaraju
Audrina Teo Huang Xin
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